Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We did it!

My favorite parts:

falling asleep the night before listening to Jeff and assorted friends play contra dance music downstairs. I love falling asleep while other people are still up making music.

Jeff's uncle reciting (most of) Shakespeare's sonnet 116 during the wedding

twenty-some gorgeous chocolate cakes made my Jeff, my sister, and me

biking to Concord in the sunshine the next day

Now we have free time again. So we can do things like:
learn to drive stick!
read books!
figure out if we want to move to Morocco! (Seriously.)


minisuperbias said...

heya julia! i saw your wedding pics on facebook, then found your blog. congrats!

minisuperbias said...

oh, i guess i should say, this is christi forsyth! ;D

Alex Ander said...

wait, morocco?

Julia said...

Well, now we're thinking about China. Once we got that life event out of the way, we started thinking about what to do next. One thing we want to do is live in another country for a year or two. The country we're considering changes by the hour.

Kody Gabriel said...

mmm, that is a wonderful picture.

i wish I had been there. congratulations.